
Major/Minor Requirements

The major in art consists of 44 hours of specified coursework including art electives. Students majoring in art develop aesthetic and technical skills and study the history of art. The program is designed to balance art production with an awareness of related cultural values and the history of art. Upon completion of the requirements for the major, students either prepare a professional exhibit or complete a visual arts internship in an area related to their career interests. Students planning to teach art must also complete coursework for certification as K-12 art educators. Minors, consisting of 20 hours, are offered in both studio art and art history.

Major: Art (BA)

Course Number And Title

Sem. Hrs.

One of the following:
ART 204: Digital Art I
ART 206: Painting I
ART 205: Drawing I 4
ART 208: Photography I 4
One of the following:
ART 209: Sculpture I
ART 213: Ceramics I
ART 220: Introduction to Glass
ARTH 232: Renaissance to 20th Century Art 4
ARTH 352: Art Since 1900 4
Four ART or ARTH electives at the 300/400 level* 16
ART 444: Studio Research
(only required if pursuing ART 450 as the capstone)
One of the following:
ART 450: Studio Art Seminar**
ART/ARTH 485 Visual Art Internship
Total Hours Required 44-45

*Students pursing the 5-year MAEd in Art Education should take the four 300/400 level ART/ARTH electives with the following distribution:

Course Number And Title

Sem. Hrs.

300 level 2-dimensional art


300 level 3-dimensional art 4
300 level digital art or photo 4
300/400 level studio art or art history elective 4

**ART 444 Studio Research (1 credit hour) is a prerequisite for ART 450.

Students pursuing Art Therapy at the graduate level should take the following courses to meet standard national requirements in art: ART 205, 206, 213, 209 or 350 in a 3-D medium, 300/400 level art elective.



The Art Department offers courses in studio art and art history, balancing art production with an awareness of related cultural values. The art major consists of core courses in studio art and art history, upper-level electives in a choice of media, and a capstone course that involves creating a body of work and exhibiting it. Class work is supported by ongoing art exhibitions in two campus gallery spaces and by field trips to local and regional museums and galleries, further enriching the curriculum. Minors are offered in both studio art and art history. Students should select courses for the minor according to their interests or to strengthen skills needed for art-related careers in communications, design, business, recreation, therapy, arts management, and other creative fields. After completion of the undergraduate degree, art majors may also earn endorsement for teaching art K-12 through an additional year of study in the Master of Arts in Education (MAEd) program which includes specific education courses and in-service teaching.

Art History

Course Number And Title

Sem. Hrs.

ART 232: Renaissance to 20th Century Art 4
ARTH 352: Art Since 1900 4
Three ARTH Electives* 12
Total Hours Required 20

Studio Art

Course Number And Title

Sem. Hrs.

One of the following:
ART 205: Drawing I
ART 206: Painting I
One of the following:
ART 209: Sculpture I
ART 213: Ceramics I
ART 220: Introduction to Glass
One of the following:
ART 204: Digital Art I
Art 208: Photography I
Two Studio Art Electives at the 300/400 level* 8
Total Hours Required 20

*Students majoring in studio art and wishing also to complete a minor in art history must fulfill all upper-level course requirements for the major with studio (ART) courses only. Art history (ARTH) courses that fulfill the requirements for the art history minor may not also be used to fulfill the upper-level requirements for the studio art major.